Wednesday 25 September 2013

Part 3: Short screenplay

Fade In 

A young girl enters the room on her phone, with her back to the camera. She walks over to a table where a girl is sitting on her phone facing the camera. The girl on her phone stands to the side of the girl on her phone. You only see half of her face as her hair is covering it.

15 year old Angel, waits beside the table eager to speak as she thinks of something to say.

So, How did it go?

Sam looks up at Angel with a confused look on her face

How did what go?

Yaknow, the meeting with miss?

Sam turns around in her chair to look at Angel. 

Oh that, she just said if she catches me smoking in school again i'll get excluded for the day, no biggy.

No biggy? imagine what your mum will say? 

Sam stands up from her chair.

So what? She smokes, so she can't tell me to stop.

Sam walks towards the down, leaving Angel standing at the door. Sam turns round to Angel.

Are you gonna stand there like a lost puppy or are you coming with me?


For a cig obviously? hurry up before we get caught!

What if we get caught?

Well if you hurry up we won't.
Sam makes gestures to Angel to hurry up.

Angel runs over to Sam. Both girls begin to walk quickly towards the back of the building. The shot is focused on Angels face as she is most worried.

Excuse me girls where are you going? Shouldn't you be in lessons?

Both girls look at each other and run. Sam is laughing.
Fade Out

1 comment:

  1. www use of both dialogue and some action lines

    ebi reduce dialogue and se if you can tell the same with less spoken word and more action and reaction.
